The year is 1957. The world is being taken storm by a wave of new technology. The first artificial satellite
Sputnik 1 was launched and Elvis Presley's Jailhouse Rock was holding the number one spot on music charts around the world. All of this happened, of course, long before I was born.
Along with these exciting
historical events, a small home was built in Stoney Creek, Ontario. My parents have recently purchased this home with the intention to renovate it into the 21st century.
The front of the tired old home (before new windows). |
Date of Manufacture |
I was tasked with networking the home and I decided to take some pictures along the way. I have retrofitted Cat6 and RG6 into each bedroom and living space to pave the way for Home Theater PCs (HTPCs) and "Smart TVs". We use
Channel Master 4221 antennas to receive local terrestrial ATSC signals. The RG6 will distribute this signal into each room. I purchased most of the supplies from the local
Nutech Electronics and Home Depot.
The Cat6 and RG6 lines departing from the electrical panel. Looks good :] |
Read on to see more details!